Peter's World

"Golden Shores"

“Captured one spring morning, I woke early & made a crazy 3 hour dash for Lake Taupo, crossing my fingers that the skies might remain clear. I wanted to catch the mountains & lake with the kowhai blooms, but their flowers are quite delicate & don’t last long with any bad weather. It also happened to be a Sunday, which was good timing with a local yacht race! The boats added the extra foreground detail I felt it needed.”

Equipment: 31Mp Phase One DB + Mamiya AFD 645 + 45mm lens

Exposure: 1/100 sec @ f11 ISO 200

Location: Lake Taupo

Available full-frame or triptych

Print Appreciation Level: Introductory

Prices appreciate through the following tiers as the availability of prints diminish in the remaining edition, enhancing each print's value & exclusivity.

Limited Edition: 125 individually signed, numbered & certified prints, total all sizes

Printer: Peter personally prints all his 100% cotton-rag paper and archival canvas on an HP Z9+ PS printer (9 colour "Vivera" archival pigment inkset, giclée process)

Print Permanence: >250 years indoors (paper and canvas prints), as tested on HP Z9+ printer by Wilhelm Research Institute, California

Copyright: Peter Latham 2008

“When Peter delivered our pieces, we couldn't believe the incredible detail. The images on his website - impressive as they are - really didn't do our prints justice!“